
A model of the New Zealand beef value chain, from conception to export, was constructed. The model is parameterised at the national level so that issues and opportunities within the beef industry can be examined at a high level by researchers and industry participants. Working with numerous key informants from throughout the beef industry, the researchers developed a conceptual model of the beef value chain and then constructed the model in a spreadsheet. The model is capable of modelling changes in farm practice, market situations and the industry structure. This model and a range of scenarios have been demonstrated to a range of beef industry participants facilitating considerable debate. To illustrate the power and value of the model in evaluating change and facilitating debate within the beef sector, three scenarios are presented and compared with the status quo. KEYWORDS: value chain; scenario evaluation; beef; model.

A, McDermott, AE Dooley, and DC Smeaton

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 65, Christchurch, 252-255, 2005
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