Food safety issues, especially those associated with animal disease (e.g. BSE in cattle), human health (e.g. salmonellosis), genetic modification and animal welfare are driving consumer pressure for traceability of animal-derived foodstuffs. Several of our trading partners already have in place, or have signalled, expected compliance dates for meat traceability requirements.
This contract session addresses some of the background as to why, and when, New Zealand (NZ) can expect to be required to have traceability procedures in place to ensure continued access to the world`s meat and animal derived foodstuffs market. The following 10 papers will also describe examples of what is currently in place or projected to become available for tracing animals on the farm, during transport and through meat processing plants both in NZ and overseas. The mix of speakers has been chosen to encompass legislative, industry and scientific aspects of traceability of meat and meat products.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 65, Christchurch, 74, 2005
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