Experienced bovine AB technicians can be readily trained to successfully perform trans-cervical AI in red deer. Stags of all ages, including yearling spikers, can produce semen of acceptable quality and quantity at regular intervals from as early as February until mid-winter. Pregnancies rates to a single fixed-time insemination are typically 60-75% with unknown herd factors contributing much of the variation. Yearling hinds are capable of acceptable pregnancy rates when inseminated in late February, at least a month earlier than is current practice. Within broad limits, considerable flexibility appears to exist when hinds are inseminated relative to the end of synchrony treatment.A deer-specific intra-vaginal progesterone-releasing device has been shown to provide higher terminal levelsof circulating progesterone compared with existing devices. Current field trials will determine its affect onpregnancy rates. We conclude that the genetic and reproductive technologies for increasing weight-for-age in deer have been successfully integrated and applied to commercial red deer in New Zealand.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 67, Wanaka, 82-90, 2007
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