Individual cows vary in their ability to maintain milk production for an extended lactation. Identifying production and physiological markers to indicate cows suitable for extended lactations would allow dairy farmers to make early decisions to withhold mating of individual cows or to continue milking specific nonpregnant cows through the winter months. Fifty-six genetically divergent overseas and New Zealand Holstein Friesians were allocated to three pasture-based dietary treatments (0, 3 and 6 kg concentrate DM/cow/d) and mating was withheld to target a 670-d lactation. Within each treatment there was little correlation between animal evaluation index values and milksolids (MS) production during the extended lactation period (>296 days in milk; DIM). There was a positive correlation between MS yield from the initial normal season (<296 DIM) and extended lactation MS production; and a negative correlation between body condition score (BCS) at theoretical dry off date (~296 DIM) and extended lactation MS yield. Plasma hormone and metabolite data from wk 1-10 postpartum demonstrated a positive association between nonesterified fatty acid levels and extended lactation MS production, whereas glucose,insulin, and insulin like growth factor-1 were negatively associated with extended lactation MS production. Overall, data indicate that the animal evaluation index is not a good indicator of animals suitable for extended lactation, however normal season milk production, early lactation plasmahormone and metabolite and late lactation BCS data may be useful to identify animals that will undergo a successful extended lactation.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 67, Wanaka, 315-319, 2007
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