
The New Zealand Deer Industry Productivity Strategy 2009-2014 (Deer Industry New Zealand, 2009) aims to increase deercarcass weight by 10% and introduce a carcass yield module to their performance recording database DEERSelect. In other livestock species real-time ultrasonography offers a non-invasive, non-destructive, standardised muscle measurement on live breeding stock (Faulkner et al.,1990). Ultrasound scanning allows eye muscle (M. longissimus dorsi)dimensions and cross-sectional area to be recorded as traits for genetic evaluation in the Sheep (SIL) and Beef (BREEDPLAN) performance recording databases.

JF, Ward, JA Archer, RJ Farmer, MF Sweetman, GB Nicoll, and Yuan JV

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 70, Palmerston North, 275-277, 2010
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