
Skeletal muscle growth depends on amino acid (AA) availability, not only as building components, but also as regulatory signals for protein accretion (Wu 2009). However, their signalling role for muscle growth in ruminants is poorly understood. We have previously reported that lower muscle weight in twin compared to single fetuses in late gestation, is associated with changes in the profile of specific intracellular muscle free AA (FAA), when ewes are fed a maintenance plane of nutrition during gestation (Pacheco et al. 2010a). This suggests that some AA may regulate muscle growth during fetal life.

FA, Sales, BP Treloar, D Pacheco, HT Blair, PR Kenyon, G Nicholas, and M Senna Salerno

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 72, Christchurch, 213-215, 2012
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