
Some of the best science is done by those who are excited by their research and by working with industry. Many breakthroughs come from people noticing, and following up on, unusual observations or anomalies. Often, their passions are funded “from the back pocket” for several years; until sufficient information is secured to justify a formal funding application. The Living Legend Lecture invites distinguished longterm members of NZSAP to make a scholarly presentation at the Society’s annual conference in recognition of their contribution to New Zealand Animal Production over a substantial period of time. Heeding the Guidelines recommendation to consider members resident in the area holding the conference, the 2015 organising committee chose to nominate the contributions of the scientists and technical staff of an iconic Institution, rather than acknowledge a single individual’s work. No specific animal production “theme” was selected. Instead, it was decided to highlight the contribution of the Invermay Agricultural Centre as a whole...

GH, Shackell, KR Drew, PF Fennessy, AJ Allison, JC McEwan, and AM Crawford

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 75, Dunedin, 149, 2015
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