
Breeding ewe lambs can have a negative effect on subsequent two-tooth breeding weights which may impact on subsequent reproductive rates. The impact of ewe lamb breeding can be alleviated by providing ewes with forages with high nutritive value such as lucerne or a herb mix such as chicory, plantain, red clover and white clover. In a study conducted over two breeding seasons ewe lambs were offered a ryegrass and white clover pasture, a herb mix or lucerne from one week prior to the expected start of lambing until weaning. The impact liveweight change during lactation, and from weaning until breeding as a two-tooth, on pregnancy and fecundity rates was examined

RA, Corner-Thomas, ST Morris, and PR Kenyon

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 75, Dunedin, 247-250, 2015
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