Volume 80, Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
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Vol 80,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, (2020)
Miniature horses in New Zealand: demographics and feeding management,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.1-7, (2020)
Technical note: A comparison of editing criteria for lying-behaviour data derived from three-dimensional accelerometer devices on grazing dairy cows,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.8-13, (2020)
Relationship between body condition score and pregnancy rates following artificial insemination and subsequent natural mating in beef cows on commercial farms in New Zealand,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.14-20, (2020)
BRIEF COMMUNICATION: Influence of birth rank on cause of lamb deaths prior to weaning,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.21-23, (2020)
Relationship between gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) concentrations and lying behaviour in dairy cattle,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.24-28, (2020)
Effect of breed and paddock activity on bone mass and strength in three beef cattle breeds,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.29-33, (2020)
An association between circulating copper concentrations and gammaglutamyl transferase activity in sheep after exposure to the toxin sporidesmin,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.34-38, (2020)
REVIEW: Critiquing the relationship between body condition and animal welfare,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.39-44, (2020)
Impact of the proximity of the water source on survival and growth of triplet lambs – a case study,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.45-50, (2020)
Genetic parameters, breed and heterosis effects for conformation scores in cows milked once a day,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.51-54, (2020)
Genetic evaluation for farm profitability in a commercial grazing dairy herd of Uruguay,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.55-59, (2020)
A model to assess the impact of potential genetic selection of dairy cows for volume per urination and total urine volume per day on nitrogen leaching,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.60-64, (2020)
Effect of simulated spot-sampling duration and timing on the precision of methane estimation from cattle using respiration chambers,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.65-69, (2020)
Liveweight gain and urinary nitrogen excretion of lambs grazing diverse (plantain, Italian ryegrass and red clover) or ryegrass-white clover pasture in autumn,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.70-75, (2020)
Impact of trait genetic gains on methane emissions from NZ beef and dairy farms,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.76-79, (2020)
Kōura: a novel diversified product for a changing primary sector,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.80-83, (2020)
The management of Standardbred breeding stock on commercial properties,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.84-89, (2020)
Trainers perceptions of the impact of different feeding and management practices on racehorses they identified displaying symptoms of recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.90-94, (2020)
Factors affecting early concentrate uptake by calves,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.95-100, (2020)
A survey of fodder beet use and feeding practices on dairy farms in Canterbury, Otago and Southland,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.101-106, (2020)
Body condition scoring of sheep: intra- and inter-observer variability,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.107-112, (2020)
Predicting internal adipose from selected computed tomography images in sheep,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.113-116, (2020)
Changes in live weight and fleece characteristics during the lifetime of three breeds of New Zealand feral sheep that differ in fleece type,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.117-123, (2020)
BRIEF COMMUNICATION: The behaviour of sheep around a natural waterway,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.124-127, (2020)
BRIEF COMMUNICATION: Meta-analysis of beef cow live weights in the mid-2000s,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.128-130, (2020)
Persistency and lactation curves modelled using nonlinear random regression in dairy cows milked once a day,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.131-136, (2020)
Milk composition and productive and reproductive performance of cows from A1 and A2 β-casein variants, milked once or twice a day,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.137-142, (2020)
Implications of using an extended lactation to change from a spring-calving to an autumncalving farm system in South Taranaki,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.143-149, (2020)
Seasonal effects of two forage-based nutrition regimens on intake and average daily gain of three genotypes of young red deer (Cervus elaphus),
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.150-155, (2020)
Evaluating anti-CarLA salivary IgA response in a deer progeny test,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.156-160, (2020)
Deer Industry Advance Parties: farmer groups lead practice change for improved profit,
, New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 09/2020, Volume 80, Online, p.161-165, (2020)