
The data from 2 series of trials were used to examine the effects of variation in leaf, green and total allowance on the herbage intake and milk production of dairy cows and the liveweight gain of weaned lambs over late spring and summer. Both the herbage intake and milk production of dairy cows and the liveweight gain of lambs were better related to leaf allowance than to green or total herbage allowance. With lambs, however, there were differences in liveweight gain at similar leaf allowances between experimental periods. These were largely accounted for by the percentage of dead herbage in the pasture. It is suggested that differences in animal performance over late spring and summer may be influenced by the level of leaf mass and dead matter in pasture but not the level of green grass stem.

A, John, and MJ Ulyatt

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 47, , 13-16, 1987
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