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Software for evaluating sampling strategies and error rates in the identification of mixed meat products, I, Vetharaniam, and GH Shackell , Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Jan, Volume 65, Christchurch, p.102-106, (2005)
Modelling optimum switch date from twice- to once-daily milking in dairy herds, VCF, Westbrooke, AE Dooley, and I Vetharaniam , Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Jan, Volume 63, Queenstown, p.133-137, (2003)
Modelling the impact of milking frequency on lactation, I, Vetharaniam, SR Davis, TK Soboleva, PR Shorten, and GC Wake , Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Jan, Volume 61, Christchurch, p.239-240, (2001)
Modelling the impact of nutrition and genotype on lactation, SR, Davis, I Vetharaniam, M Upsdell, ES Kolver, and AB Pleasants , Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Jan, Volume 61, Christchurch, p.237-238, (2001)
Role of reproductive technologies in reducing the time lag associated with the commercial application of genetic discovery in the sheep industry, JF, Smith, I Vetharaniam, DG McCall, and HR Tervit , Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Jan, Volume 60, Hamilton, p.36-40, (2000)
Sensitivity of ultimate meat pH to initial metabolite concentration when glycogen is not limiting, I, Vetharaniam, and CC Daly , Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Jan, Volume 60, Hamilton, p.120-123, (2000)