The purpose of the award is to encourage excellence in research planning and execution and communication of results by young members to the Society's annual conference. The applicants must submit an abstract which is acceptable to the committee, followed by a full paper for the annual conference which is acceptable to the editor. If the applicants do not meet the deadlines and satisfy all the eligibility criteria, they will not be considered by the committee. The decision of the committee is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Eligibility for the Award is restricted to the following;
- full or student member of the Society; and
- under the age of 35 immediately preceding the conference and less than 2 years since completion of PhD (if PhD is held); and
- members who are the first senior author of the paper concerned, having made a substantial contribution to the planning, execution, analysis and preparation of the information; and
- to the first or second technical presentation by the member at the Society's annual conference.
- submission of the eligibility form to the executive secretary by the final date for submission of the full manuscript.
A member is eligible to enter for the Award twice, provided that the Award was not received on the first occasion. Applicants must indicate on the abstract form the intention to compete. The entrant must also complete an eligibility form by the due date for submission of the full paper.
Click here for details of the Award regulations
Return the completed confirmation of eligibility form to the Executive Secretary by the date for submission of the full paper. You MUST complete this form and return a signed copy to the Executive Secretary NZSAP by the due date to be eligible for the Young Member Award.
Recent Young Member Award Winners and their papers: