The Landcorp Farming Lecture (formerly the Livestock Improvement Corporation Lecture from 1996 to 2003) is a scholarly address made at the Society's Annual Conference. Each year, a distinguished animal scientist is invited to the Annual Conference to make the address. The intention is that this prestigious lecture will contribute to maintaining the objectives of the Society and enhance the scientific and technical merit of the Conference. ------------------------------ The Landcorp Lecture has been discontinued as of December 2016. 2014 P.H. Janssen - Rumen microbial community profiling as a tool to study ruminant production 2013 I.J. Clarke - Milking reproduction 2012 K.L. Macmillan and J.R. Roche - "Grass to milk" and beyond 2011 S.F. Ledgard - Life cycle assessment - a tool for evaluating resource and environmental efficiency of agricultural products and systems from pasture to plate 2010 D.J. Garrick - Milestones in genetic prediction for applied livestock improvement 2009 G.B. Martin - "Clean, green and ethical" animal reproduction: extension to sheep and dairy systems in New Zealand 2008 P.R. Kenyon - A review of in-utero environmental effects on sheep production 2007 B.J. Hayes - Genomic selction for accelerated genetic gain in livestock 2006 J.A. Van Wyk - Face facts: drenching with anthelmintics for worm control selects for drug resistance - and no excuses! 2005 L.H. Baumgard - Regulating milk fat synthesis: potential on-farm applications of basic science 2004 J.C. MacRae - Nutritional opportunities for longer-term, sustainable, ruminant production 2002 J.P. McInerney - Animal welfare: Ethics, economics and productivity 2001 M.C. Lucy - Reproductive physiology and management of high-yielding dairy cattle 2000 A.J.F. Webster - Sustaining fitness and welfare in the dairy cow 1999 W.J. Parker - Farm performance measurement - Linking monitoring to business strategy 1998 A.E. McClintock - Possible impact of new technologies on dairy cattle breeding 1997 M.J. Ulyatt - Can protein utilisation from pasture be improved? 1996 M. Georges - Perspectives for marker assisted selection in dairy cattle breeding |