The Lincoln University Centennial Award is awarded annually. It is awarded to a farmer who has made a substantial contribution to the University, either by hosting student field trips with a strong livestock emphasis and/or by supervising students practical work, or whose achievements are used regularly to demonstrate to students methods of reaching animal production goals or implementing high levels of stock management. The Award shall be held by the recipient for one year and some form of permanent recognition will be presented by Lincoln University. Nominations for the Award may be made by any member or group of University staff or students and must be in the Lincoln University Selection Committee's hands by the end of February each year.

2012Matt and Sue Latham
2010Andrew and Tinks Pottinger
2009Peter H Fleming
2005Chris and Robyn Wright
2001Andrew and Anna Taylor
1997Mark H and Sally Lemon
1994Forbes E and Christine Cameron
1991J R (Rod) and Jannette McKenzie
1989John and Lois Roadley
1988Doug J and Jocelyn M Catherwood
1987Don J Davison
1986Nelson J Cook
1985David J Hurford
1984W (Bill) G Walker
1983Graham E Fieldhouse
1982John D McDougall
1981Malcolm V Prouting.
1980W (Bill) G Logan. 
1979Joe T B Guise
1978D Barry and W (Bill) A C Abbiss