
·         The purpose of the Lecture is to allow the Society to invite a distinguished long-term member of the Society to make a scholarly presentation at the Society's annual Conference on their career.

·         The Lecture will contribute to maintaining the objectives of the Society and enhance the scientific and technical merit of the Conference.


Name and Form

·         The Lecture will be called the Living Legend Lecture to recognise the member’s contribution over a substantial period of time and potentially incorporating different subject areas.

·         The Lecture will be for at least 20 to 30 minutes during the Society's annual Conference and the address will cover ‘their’ work.  Aspects such as where they started/ended up, highlights, impacts of that work on industry, current and future philosophy.  The Committee is encouraged to consider members resident in the area holding the conference to present.

·         Presenting the Lecture is considered an Award, and as such the Lecturer will receive: (1) certificate (or alternative appropriate memento); (2) waived (or reimbursed) conference registration fees including annual dinner; (3) accommodation expenses; and, (4) reasonable reimbursement of travel expenses to attend the Conference. The award does not include a monetary prize.

·         The Management Committee may exercise its discretion in determining the final value, details and terms of the award on a case-by case-basis, consistent with the objects of the Society and this Award. 

·         A copy of the address will be published in the Proceedings of the year in which it is presented. The name of each Lecturer will be added to a list published in each issue of the Proceedings.


·         The member to give the address to be decided on in Committee at the abstract meeting in November and the candidate approached to give sufficient time to prepare the address.

Lecture Funds

·         These expenses will be met from the funds of the Society from the Award funds established from the interest accruing from the Society’s investments.