The New Zealand Society of Animal Production (hereinafter referred to as "the Society") has accumulated funds which have been invested as fixed deposits or debentures to provide income which have been disbursed through grants made from the Animal Science Fund and the Jubilee Fund. A recommendation has been made to combine these Funds to establish the Animal Science Awards (hereinafter referred to as "the Awards").

Apply for this award with an appropriately formatted document as per the guideline here

1. Objectives

The objectives of the Awards are to promote and advance Animal Science and Production through;

a. sustaining the activities of the Society in communicating information on animal science, particularly to its members;

b. supporting members to attend the Animal Science Congresses of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production (AAAP) and New Zealand’s involvement in other AAAP activities;

c. assisting the early career development of members in New Zealand by providing funding for post-graduate research;

d. supporting members travelling internationally to study or to attend conferences which contribute to the exchange of knowledge and to learning new techniques potentially useful in animal science research in New Zealand as well as being official representatives of the Society; and,

e. inviting members of kindred societies to contribute papers or lectures to the Society’s Annual Conferences or workshops and special meetings.


2. Name and Form of Awards

Each disbursement shall be in the form of a financial grant and shall be known as an Animal Science Award of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production.

3. Award Finances

a. An amount of $200,000 shall comprise the capital sum for the Awards. This sum shall be invested by the Treasurer according to the rules of the Society and in consultation with the Society’s Management Committee.

b. Income for disbursement as Awards will comprise interest on the capital sum adjusted for inflation, together with any unspent income from previous years;

c. The capital sum may be increased at any time by majority resolution of the Society’s Management Committee;

d. The capital sum may be decreased only by a majority vote at an annual or special meeting of the Society. Such action must be presented as a notice of motion to such a meeting in accordance with the Society’s rules.

e. In each and every year, the Society’s Management Committee will determine the maximum amount of money that may be disbursed.

f. A financial statement of the Award’s Finances is to be shown in the annual accounts of the Society.


4. Application for Awards

a. The Society’s Management Committee shall generally call for applications for awards through the Newsletter twice-yearly with the awards to be announced shortly thereafter. It will not be incumbent on the Management Committee to call for applications twice each year and applications can be called for at other times.

b. Applicants must be current financial members of the Society, but applications can be made either on behalf of others as in the case of an invited speaker, or on behalf of a Committee as in the case of a specialised workshop or conference likely to be of interest to members of the Society.

c. Each application will be made in the specified manner as detailed in instructions available from the Secretary, the Executive Officer or other members of the Management Committee.

d. Each application must be received by the Secretary of the Society (or a nominee) by the date specified in each call for applications.

e. The Secretary will notify an applicant that a suitably completed application has been received.


5. Consideration for Awards


a. Applications received by the Secretary will be distributed to members of the Society’s Management Committee with other materials before a full meeting.

b. The Secretary will confirm the membership status of each applicant and also provide details of any previous Award or Grant received by a member from the Society as well as indicating if reporting commitments were met.

c. The Treasurer will also provide each Management Committee Member with the total amount available for disbursements in Awards at each meeting at which applications are to be considered.

d. Each application which meets stated criteria will be considered on its merits by the Management Committee. Each application must be judged by carefully considering its relevance to the stated Objectives (see Clause 1). Requests for sums exceeding $3,000 should benefit a group of members as with organising a conference. Awards should be used to supplement other funding identified by the applicant in relation to travel, to a project or to the organising of a conference. An exception could be made for AAAP activities. It is preferable that Awards are made which will allow members to attend different international conferences rather than have several attending the same conference.

e. The Management Committee’s decision on each application considered at a meeting must be in the form of a motion and an Award can only be made if the motion for approval is carried by a majority, with at least 4 Committee members voting. Numbers voting for or against each application, as well as the mover and seconder must be recorded. The President does not have a deliberative vote, and a tie means an Award will not be granted. The amount of an individual Award must be stated in the motion. An unsuccessful application may only be reconsidered once, but this does not preclude a member submitting a new application at a future date.

f. The Management Committee will indicate to the Secretary any special conditions which may apply if an applicant is to receive an Award.

g. The Executive Secretary will advise an applicant of the Management Committee’s decision on their application. If an Award is made, the Executive Secretary will remind the applicant that receiving an Award carries with it the responsibility to submit a report confirming the completion of the travel, project or conference for which the funds were allocated and that the funds have been used in accordance with the application. A guideline for the report will be included in the Secretary's notification.

h. Members of the Management Committee must declare any personal interest or association with any application and exclude themselves from any further consideration of that applicant.

6. Change to Rules

Changes to these rules may be made by instruction to the Management Committee from a General Meeting of the Society.