The hogget reproduction of 67 FF/F+ and 27 ++ (Booroola x Romney) x (Booroola x Perendale), 30 Waihora (WR) and 39 Marshall Romney (MR) hoggets was compared under 4 nutritional treatments. The September born ewe lambs were grazed from 6 January to 5 June at 4 different pasture allowances: 2, 4, 6, and 10 kg DM/ewe/d. Three allowances (2, 4, 10) were continued until 11 September, following this date all ewes grazed together. There were significant effects of allowance on the percentage of ewes tupped and pregnant. There was no effect of genotype on these fertility traits. The percentages of ewes lambing multiples/ewes lambing were FF/F+ 58, ++ 0, MR11, and WR 27. The percentages of lambs weaned/lambs born were similar: 72, 59, 77 and 79 respectively. The percentages of lambs weaned/ewes joined were 58, 26, 26, and 49 respectively.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 49, , 245-248, 1989
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