Goats have a historical record of being productive and valuable to families and communities (Aziz 2010). Small ruminants, which include goats, still have an ‘unfulfilled’ potential despite the numbers of animals farmed and their distribution around the world (Anaeto et al. 2010). Pollot and Wilson (2009) concluded that goats deserve greater attention due to their capacity for producing food. A similar study in New Zealand (Sheppard & O’Donnell 1979), described the uses of goats for meat, skins, milk and mohair and concluded that the goat was valuable, but that the production potential was largely unfulfilled. A recent New Zealand study (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 2009) concluded that food-consumption patterns are changing in New Zealand, and globally demand for more diversified products provided an opportunity for goat meat. The objective of this study was to determine the current value of domestic and exported New Zealand goat products and to explore possible future products and their target markets. Many of these product values are gathered from retailers, personal communications and individual producers. This research is an attempt to bring together information that has not yet been gathered to present a current value of the goat in New Zealand...
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 77, Rotorua, 173-176, 2017
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