
The objective of this study was to examine the effects of once daily milking (ODM) on yields of plasminogen, plasmin and other whey proteins and to investigate this possible role of plasmin in mammary gland involution. Twelve multiparous Friesian cows in the ninth month of lactation were placed on a ODM regimen for 7 days. Milk yields were determined and milk sampled for assay on the last day of twice daily milking (TDM) (day 1 of trial), days 3 and 7 of ODM (d4 & d8) and again 7 days after return to TDM (d15). Data are expressed as least-square means for d1 (TDM) vs d4 (ODM) vs d8 (ODM) vs d15 (TDM) together with pooled SE (PSE). Once daily milking was associated with a significant (P<0.05) reduction in yields of milk, lactose, fat and total protein. The concentration of plasminogen increased during ODM (0.92 vs 1.52 vs 1.37 vs 0.95, PSE = 0.06

SJ, Eichler, and SR Davis

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 53, , 105-106, 1993
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