A survey of 110 beef cattle farmers within Waitomo Country was used to identify the main farm and farmer factors associated with adoption of three beef cow technologies. It was found that 48% of farmers had adopted mating of heifers to calve at two years of age; 43% had adopted breeding from dairy beef crossbred cows; and 60% were using terminal beef breeding bulls. Overall, 30% of the farmers had adopted none of the technologies; 20% had adopted one of the technologies; 25% had adopted all three of the technologies. The levels of adoption were higher than those expected from national statistics. An assessment was made of the relationship of demographic indicators with technology adoption. Farmers' age, education and sources of information were associated with technology uptake. A number of business indicators were included in the survey. Gross farm income, farm expenditure, stocking rate, paddock number, stock weighing, were found to be associated with adoption of at least one of the technologies. The beliefs that farmers had about their core enterprise - beef breeding cows, was found to be closely associated with their adoption decisions. It is shown that evaluation of new technologies in relation to the core enterprise beliefs held by individual farmers should be included when considering research programmes of potential value to the industry.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 53, , 73-76, 1993
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