
Cheltenham Downs is located in the Manawatu district of the North Island of New Zealand. The farm was purchased by Landcorp in early 2011. It has a total area of 1427 ha, of which 1237 ha are effective. The farm is primarily utilised as a lamb-finishing enterprise. The property is located in a relatively summer safe area, with a mix of soil types (Rangitikei Sandy Loam and Milton, Te Arakure, Halcombe, Kiwitea, Ohakea, Milson and Manawatu Silt Loams) and has a flat to easy contour. The average rainfall is 1150mm per annum, evenly spread throughout the year. The majority of the farm is in ryegrass-white clover-based pastures. Each year, on average, 100 ha of Hunter brassica and 40 ha of kale are planted. Currently, the farm has 144 ha of the plantain, red clover and white clover mix.

IC, Brown, ST Morris, and PR Kenyon

Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Volume 74, Napier, 73-75, 2014
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