New Zealand there are regulations to fence waterways >1m in width to restrict the access of farmed cattle, deer and pigs, however, there are no such requirements for sheep. The behaviour of sheep around natural waterways and their impact on water quality is unknown. Our previous study showed that in winter there was little interaction of pregnant ewes with the waterway (Bunyaga et al. 2023), however, warmer temperatures in spring may result in different behaviour.
In November 2019, observations of the interaction of lactating mixed-age Romney ewes (n=40) with a natural waterway 233 m in length, ~1 m wide and 30 cm deep at Massey University’s hill country farm, Tuapaka. Ewes were continuously stocked on a 1.7 ha perennial ryegrass paddock with a pasture mass above 1000 kgDM/ha. Ewe behaviour and movements were monitored continuously for two weeks using GPS devices, Bluetooth proximity and motion-activated trail cameras. Ewes were restricted from accessing the water trough in the first week of observation and provided access to the trough in the second week. Weather data was recorded by a weather station located 800 m from the study site. Samples of stream water were collected across two days at the end of each week of the study for water quality testing. The stream zone represented 9% of the paddock area, however, less than 0.7% of all ewe GPS location fixes throughout the study were recorded in this area. During the observation period, ewes spent more time within 3m (10.6 ± 0.6 min/ewe/day; p<0.05; riparian zone) of the stream during the period the access to the trough was restricted than when allowed access. Ewe behaviour within 3m of the stream showed that ewes sniffed the water but did not drink on 28 occasions and walked in the water on eight occasions. During the entire observation period ewes spent less (P<0.05) time within 3m of the stream between 8pm and 5am than any other period of the day. This data suggests that sheep spent little of their time near the stream but were observed at times to drink from and walk in the stream.
New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, Volume 84, Oamaru, 11-14, 2024
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