In ruminants, the rumen protection of amino acids is required to prevent microbial degradation and increase the portion of undegradable dietary protein; therefore, increasing the total concentration of amino acids absorbed in the small intestine. The conditionally essential amino acid, glutamine, is vital to an array of biological processes throughout the body. The objective of the current study was to validate and optimise the use of two natural substances (NS1 and NS2) to rumen-protect glutamine from microbial degradation. Encapsulated glutamine has been tested in triplicate using an in vitro approach. It was concluded that, both natural substances provided protection to glutamine resulting in a 33.83% and 10.66% decrease in ammonia release with NS1 and NS2 respectively. Keywords: amino acids, in vitro test, protein, rumen microorganisms, ruminants
New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, Volume 83, Rotorua, 17-19, 2023
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