Volume 83, Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production

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Volume 83        « previous | next »
BRIEF COMMUNICATION: An evaluation of the AGTECH360 Livestock Tracker for the automated recording of on-farm grazing events., Hofmann, WA, Edwards JP, and Neal MB , New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2023, Volume 83, Rotorua, p.1-4, (2023)
BRIEF COMMUNICATION: Effects of the SLICK gene on heat tolerance in grazing dairy cattle, Worth, GM, Donkersloot EG, Spelman RJ, and Davis SR , New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2023, Volume 83, Rotorua, p.5-7, (2023)
BRIEF COMMUNICATION: Approaches to breeding heat tolerant dairy cattle , Donkersloot, EG, Worth GM, McNaughton LR, Yeates A, Davis SR, and Spelman RJ , New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2023, Volume 83, Rotorua, p.8-10, (2023)
BRIEF COMMUNICATION: Maternally supplemented L-glutamine increases growth rates of twin lambs from birth, Dunstana, LJ, Hebarta ML, Briena FD, McCoard SA, and Caetano M , New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2022, Volume 83, Rotorua, p.14-16, (2023)
BRIEF COMMUNICATION: The Efficacy of Natural Substances to Protect Dietary Glutamine from Ruminal Degradation, Carlyon, LP, Boyce TR, Flanagan LJ, Alves RC, Petrovskix K, and Caetano M , New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 01/2023, Volume 83, Rotorua, p.17-19, (2023)